
Below is a list of discrepancies found in the original documents used to create the historic district. “OD” refers to “Original Document.” (See below)

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261 S. GOD says this house was built for Millard F. Jones in 1924, while a newspaper article says that it was built by Paul Hutchinson in 1919.31¹Oxnard Press Courier Article dated 9/26/1919
344 S. GOD says the house was built in 1928 while a newspaper article says the owner moved in in 1926.33²Oxnard Press Courier Article dated 9/21/1926
219 N. FOD say that the house was built in 1928, but newspaper article shows that the original owner moved in in 191811³Oxnard Courier article dated 8/13/1918
101 S. GOD lists it as both north and south G Street but the US Postal Service and all links in a google search list it as south. 174usps.com
401 S. GOD lists no original owner. It was Max Tappero as verified by his daughter (who lives there now) Elaine. 34Elaine Palazuelos
Max’s daughter
and current resident.
418/420 S. GOD lists no original owner. Newspaper articles list it as W.H. Sanborne in ’25 not ’24.36See articles attached to page.
428 S. GOD spell the name as “Hohn” instead of “John.” They also list the house as being done in 1924, but the article below lists it being built as of 1925.36Oxnard Press-Courier 5/28/1925
200 N. FOD year built is wrong according to newspaper account.12Oxnard Press-Courier 1/19/1938
145 N. FOD say this was built for J.W. Shillington (who owns the house next door), but newspaper accounts state that J.W. purchased the house from Ira Roswell for his son, J.E. Shillington.10Oxnard Courier 6/7/1912
223 S. GThe original historic district documents are incorrect since documentation shows AW Porter built the house in 1913/1914. William Snively then purchase the house in December 1917 that had been rented by Mr & Mrs H.C. Downes (who subsequently built a house at 360 S G. It was clearly not  built, though in 1928. The earliest documentation I could find was from 1913.31See articles attached on the house page.
361 S. FThis house was not built for Charles Peverly, he bought it from the Frances Bell estate in 1926, about 8 years after it was built.12Oxnard Daily Courier, June 25, 1926
128 N. FOD says this house was built in 1912. There is a newspaper article with Carlos Levy saying it was built in 1918. But then, a telephone directory lists Frank H. Walker and his wife living there in 1916. 9Ventura County Phone Directory for 1916.
360 S. FOriginal documents say this was built in 1930, but a newspaper article says he started building shortly after May 1926. 20Oxnard Daily-Courier 5/04/1926
126 S. FOD states the house was built in 1928 but an article shows that it was built and ready in 1927.12Oxnard Daily-Courier 4/08/1927
134 S. FOD say this was built in 1926, but a newspaper article shows that the Bedford’s moved in in 1925. 13Oxnard Daily-Courier 8/19/1925
102 S. FThe original historic district documents did not name this house. As I was able to find documentation of the first owner of the house. At that time the house number was 102, but all sources point to 100 now. 12Ancestry.com telephone directory for 1912
137 S. FOD state this house was built in 1920. A newspaper article shows that the original owners did not move in until November of 1922. 14Oxnard Daily-Courier 11/04/1922
145 S. FOD have to be wrong with the year 1920. According to my research,  Jack Miller was living on G Street in 1921 (see below). He then moved to this address in 1928, per the news article from October 1928.  1928 is the first year this address showed up in any of my research. 14Oxnard Press-Courier 10/22/1928
319 S. GOD calls this a “prairie home” but a newspaper article from 1914 detailing the house calls it an “Italian Villa.” OD also doesn’t mention that Austin was the manager of the Oxnard Opera House.32Oxnard Press-Courier 1/20/1914
341 S. GOD say this was built for James Marsis in 1924, but news articles show it belonged to Ed Molen as early as 1920 and he sold it to Marsis in 1924. 32Multiple press courier articles on the house page.
436 S. GOD says built in 1928, but newspaper article from 1926 says the couple would move into the house that year.36See article on the house profile page.
134 N. GOD states 1940 with no name on the house. An article shows a building permit in 1938 to A.E. Schuster.25See article on the house profile page.
142 S. GOD states 1924 while an article exists showing the family living there in 1922.26See article on the house profile page.
200 S. GOD calls this the Samuel Gumpertz House but I could not find any Samuels listed in the area at the time. I did find evidence of a William Gumpertz.22See articles attached on the house profile page.
329 S. GOD says it was built in 1918 for Henry Meyer, but articles show that Tom Donlon built it in 1913 and lived in it before selling it to Henry Meyer. 32See articles attached on the house profile page.
328 S. GOD say this was built for Conrad Meyer in 1918, but research shows it was built for Charles Green who lived there in 1918.33See articles attached on the house profile page.
138 N. FOD lists this as an unknown house in 1915, but articles show Charles Spurgin living there in 1918, with no records appearing before that year. 10See articles attached on the house profile page.
110 S. FOD lists no original owner but it appears it was Theodore Barron12See articles attached on the house profile page.
127 S. GOD states that there is a 2 story residence in the back, but that is incorrect. There is a 1 story guest house and the main house has a bedroom addition on the second floor. 27I know this family and they supplied the information to me.
135 N. FOD states the house was built in 1914 but a newspaper article shows that permits weren’t even issued until 1916.10See articles attached on the house profile page.
234 S. FOriginal historic district documents state that this house was “built for” Morris D. McKenna (#sic). While he may have lived there early on, another news article from 1934 says that Dr. R.W. Avery sold the residence to McKenna that year. But then a 1912 article states that R. W. Avery purchased the hosue from W. Bolster, and it was at that time occupied by Milton Stiles. So, I’m renaming it the W. Bolster House until further evidence shows differently. 16See articles attached on the house profile page.
249 S. FOD show a year of 1920, but news articles show the house being occupied as of 1919.17See articles attached on the house profile page.
252 S. FOD shows original occupancy year as 1926 but news articles show that it was occupied as of 1923.16See articles attached on the house profile page.
200 S. FOD says this was built in 1940 for Wesley Johnson but an article says it was built for Charles Teubner in 1938/39.15
See articles attached on the house profile page.
451 S. FOD states this was built in 1916 but old newspaper articles were found showing it was actually 1914.22See articles attached on the house profile page.
444 S. FOD states the name as Wucherpfenning when it’s actually Wucherpfennig. 23Obituary shows correct name.

National Register of Historic Places Registration Form (11/19/1998) PDF


¹ 261 S G evidence. Oxnard Courier 9/26/1919


344 S G evidence. Oxnard Press-Courier 9/21/1926


219 N F evidence. Oxnard Courier 8/13/1918