Levy Artwork Returns Home!

We are so grateful to Diane Wenrich and her family for returning 26 pieces of artwork to the Henry Levy house. Approximately 20 of the pieces were done by Juliette Levy who was Henry Levy’s sister-in-law; Juliette lived in the house with her sister, Camille, who was married to Henry. When both sisters finally passed, the house was sold the the Wenrich’s who bought the entire estate.

Here are photographs of the collection. I’ve included the non-Levy pieces at the end just to keep the collection complete.

Special thanks to Diane’s sister, Arleen for hooking us all up together! Diane and her husband, Ken, purchased the entire estate in 1977 from the Levy family, and sold it to Al and Rebecca Barkley in 1983.

4 thoughts on “Levy Artwork Returns Home!

  1. Arleen Brigati says:

    Hi Eric. I’m so excited to see those pictures out of the boxes I even forgot what some of them look like. We are so elated that we are able to provide these to you so that these artifacts can go back to its original home we know that you will take care of them as Diana and Ken had for these past forty some years carrying them from Indiana to Florida to Colorado to Oklahoma and then having them coming back to Oxnard. Theyo t

    Those pictures have traveled with care and have been displayed in Diana’s homes throughout all these different places but it’s your turn now to continue to enjoy them in its original place. We are so excited that you share the same love for history particularly for the levy artifacts as we do. We know they are in good hands thank you so much for helping to get the house back into its original condition we know it’s going to take a lot of time in our prayers are with you God bless.

  2. Arleen Brigati says:

    Wow! The place is looking absolutely amazing. Lot’s of changes but I still see some of the old memories.❤❤

  3. Arleen Brigati says:

    Is your Christmas display complete? I want to drive by and see.

    1. henrylevyhouse says:

      Not quite. It looks good and is lit up, but I had some equipment failure and it might be a couple more days before it’s working properly. But it’s still a fun show right now, people seem to be enjoying it.

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