The William C. Craddock House (1922)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built~1924* for William C. Craddock; a real estate salesman. This is a well designed, Provincial style stucco house with a Palladian window on the north side. A sloping center gable frames the arched front entry.
Note: In 1933, Craddock and the owners next door, the Liddles, exchanged houses. See article below.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1922.
STATS: 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2027 s.f. on an 7000 s.f lot.
Parcel number: 200030200
Last sold: 4/03/2024 for $815,000
Prior Owners (or residents): William C. Craddock (1922-1933); A.E. Liddle (1933-1937); Mr & Mrs Ray D. Snively (1937- ); Ronald & Helen Jackson (~1963-2024)
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the house: Ronald Jackson 8/02/2011 (See obituary Below)