So, it appears that the Henry Levy House is haunted!
We were here for about 6 months and absolutely nothing happened (that we noticed). Then, a prior owner of the house wanted to remove a “marker” that they had brought from their family homestead in the midwest somewhere.

The first day after the construction crew left, in the middle of the night, we were awakened to someone walking on the 3rd floor above us. It sounded like hard soled shoes walking on wood floors. I tried to find my cell phone to start videotaping but had left it downstairs. Jeff and I just listened in disbelief, and then it stopped.
A few weeks passed before the crew came back to finish the job and nothing happened in between. Then when they came back, that very night, we heard it again. This time there was banging that went along with it and you could hear it move down the hall to the other side of the house. We have this on video.
They finished removing the stone and the noises stopped.
Then in June 2022, I came downstairs very early in the morning and found one of the back doors hanging wide open. I knew I had checked it carefully the night before (as I always do) so I was concerned that someone had broken into the house. I looked around and nothing had been disturbed. So, I pulled up the security camera footage from an outside camera that faces that door.
Sure enough, you can see the door open by itself. This is particularly unnerving since to open the door you have to undo an electronic deadbolt (that automatically locks after 15 seconds) and then turn a separate door handle. Upon closer viewing, you can see something that looks like a hand reach out and push the door open, and a black mist fly out the door! Check out the video!
In July, Ghost Adventures TV show contacted us and said they saw our video clips and wanted to come film at the house. They came out and filmed over three days and included our neighbors 2 houses down who knew the original Levy family who owned our house. The showed aired as their season finale on Thanksgiving night 2022. You can watch the episode HERE.

In August, Jo and Brandon from Ojai Paranormal Investigators came out and spent 2 hours recording EVP’s. You can watch the video of their investigation HERE.

Since then, we’ve been listening to our security camera feeds and creating clips of what we hear. We’re including those now for everyone to hear. HERE is our YouTube page of videos.

We’ve also been featured on 2 podcasts (that we can find). We’re on Graveyard Tales with Matt and Adam HERE, and Pardon the Paranormal HERE.
October 2023—We were featured on the “Living in Ventura” podcast with realtors Keziah Aaliyah and Bart Potter. The episode is called, “5 Most Insanely Haunted Places in Southern California/Ventura County.
October 2024—We were once again featured on “Living in Ventura” with Keziah Aaliyah and Bart Potter….this time an in-depth report on the house and surrounding historic district neighborhood.
Hi Eric,
I love following your goings-on via Nextdoor app. and now your website!
Do you know if the Kents moved out after just a few years due to haunted activity?
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Hi! No, I have no idea why the Kents moved out. We had next to no interaction during the sale of the house.