436 S. F Street

The Charles Volkert House (1912)

Original Historic District Document Info:  Built ~1912* for Charles Volkert. This is a front facing gable one and a half story house that has a large dormer with double windows and knee brackets. There are no detectable alterations; there is an open porch with double square capped columns, wooden steps and narrow clapboard siding. It has knee brackets and exposed rafters under eaves. The upper portion of the dormer w indows have a diamond shape pattern.


*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1930. 

STATS: 3 bedrooms, 2 bath, 1756 s.f. on a 0.25 acre lot.
Parcel number: 2020075100
Last sold: 10/25/2013 for $110,000

Prior Owners (or residents): Charles & Rose Volkert (1912 – ?); Mr & Mrs W.M. Coman (1916); Mrs. Louis Lloyd (1917-1922); Mrs Irene Maddocks Pattison (1925); Eugene Agee (1929); Maxine Renfro (1931); Mr & Mrs L V Pickford (1937-1938); Carl Elgen (1953); George Groves (1958)
Current Owners (or residents):