The Casper Wucherpfennig House (1918)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built ~1920* for Casper Wucherpfenning; a rancher. This is a side gable, hip-on gable Colonial Revival house whose most prominent characteristic is a tall double column portico. Typical of the Colonial Revival are the clipped gable roof, narrow clapboard siding and symmetrical features. It has a fixed front window with muiti-paned sash above fixed windows and multi-paned side lights around the entrance.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1918.
STATS: 3 bedrooms, 1 ½ bath, 1984 s.f. on 0.25 acres
Parcel number: 2020076040
Last sold: 5/29/1992 for $212,500
Prior Owners (or residents): Casper Wucherpfennig (1920, 1926-1943 ); Mrs Ella Diedrich (1941); A H Hollenbeck (1948); John H. Dillen (1955); Richard L. Baker (1962); Anna Berry (1975)
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the home: Anna V. Berry (d. 10/31/1975)