The Charles Green House (1918)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built in 1918 for Conrad Meyer who also owned 324 C Street. This house is a California bungalow with cross gable roof with exposed beams. It has massive porch columns, shingles under gable, and medium clapboard siding with a slightly flared foundation.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1918.
STATS: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1178 s.f. on a 6969 s.f. lot.
Parcel number: 2020074130
Last sold: 12/30/2004 for $205,000
Prior Owners (or residents): Rental (1918); William & Lucy Graham (1926); M.F. Rhodes; C. H. Dunker (1945); Louis & Virginia Glancer (1948);
Current Owners (or residents):
People who died in the house: Virginia Glancer (d. 2/08/1948)
NOTE: Original historic documents appear to be incorrect as research shows that Charles Green built this house beginning in 1917. His Draft Registration card shows him living at this address in 1918. I will change this to the Charles Green House unless further evidence surfaces.