The George P. Austin House (1914)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built ~1914* for early Oxnard booster, George P. Austin who managed a musical instruments and sporting goods store [and the Oxnard Opera House]. This is a Prairie style bungalow** that has several unusual characteristics. There is a small second story which sets atop a broad low pitched gable roof. This roof extends across an open front porch and porte cochere supported by a combination of stone and wooden columns. Large fluted columns and heavy carved wooden brackets support the porte cochere.
STATS: 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2633 s.f., 10,454 s.f. lot
Parcel number: 2020062020
Last sold: Unknown
Prior Owners: George P. Austin (Original-1918), Heinrich & Augusta Maulhardt (1918); Pat (and Annie) Petrie (1939); Jacinto M. Chavez (1953); Manuel & Consuelo Marin (1969); Kathleen Buckley (1976)
Current Owners:
Died in the house: Augusta Maulhardt (d. 12/03/1933)
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1910.
NOTE: The assessor is clearly incorrect per the newspaper article from 1914. **The Historic Document is also incorrect calling this a prairie style home as the article outlines how they built an Italian Villa.