The William P. Moller House (1919)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built ~ 1924* for William P. Moller; General Manager of the Ventura County Ice and Milk Company. This bungalow has Classical or Colonial Revival characteristics of the 1920’s. It has exposed notched beams on the open front porch which create a pergola effect and a brick porch foundation. Also there are Classical columns and a pediment portico.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1919.
STATS: 2 bedrooms, 2 bath, 1143 s.f. on a 6969 S.F. lot
Parcel number: 2020074150
Last sold: unknown
Prior Owners (or residents): Mr & Mrs Roy Fulton (1921-1924); Mr & Mrs Leslie Taylor (1930); Harry Teams (1930); Mr & Mrs H. A. Berlin (1931-1940); Dr Edward V. Hefferman (1956); Don Miller (1959)
Current Owners (or residents):