252 S. F Street

The Anna B. Hernandez House (1923)

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Original Historic District Document Info:  Built ~1926* for Anna B. Hernandez; stenographer to Judge C. F. Blackstock. This is a Revival-era house with significant alterations which mask its original architecture.


*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1934. 

STATS: 6 bedrooms, 2 ½ bath, 4447 s.f. on a 0.25 acre lot.
Parcel number: 2020071100
Last sold: 6/13/2007 for $833,000

Prior Owners (or residents): Anna Hernandez (1928 – ); Mr & Mrs John Brundage (1943); Kenneth Brown (1962); 
Current Owners (or residents):

Deaths in the home: Anna Hernandez (d. May 21, 1942)

 NOTE: The original historic district document appears to be incorrect on the year of occupancy.  A newspaper article from 1923 shows that occupancy happened in September of that year. 

Oxnard Daily-Courier 9/06/1923
Oxnard Daily-Courier 9/20/1923
Oxnard Press-Courier 5/22/1942