The Raymond L. Peacock House (1919)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built ~1920* for Raymond L. Peacock; owner of a confectionery store on Fifth Street. The main feature on this single story, wide-clapboard house is an arched wooden portico entrance with keystone over the arch. It has a hipped roof and a back chimney (that lost its upper portion in an earthquake) flanks the entrance.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1918.
STATS: 4 bedrooms, 1.5 bath, 2452 s.f. on 0.33 acres.
Parcel number: 2020072040
Last sold: Unknown.
Prior Owners (or residents): Raymond and Olney Peacock (1919- ); Hannah Daugherty (mother of Mrs RL Peacock) (1955); Tim Chacon (1974)
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the home: Hanna Margaret Daugherty (d. 2/08/1955)
Note that the original historic document lists the date of 1920, but news articles show it was occupied as of 1919.