The Duplex House (1919)

Built ~ 1927*, its first occupants were Charles H. Price, an agriculturist for the American Beet Sugar Company and John A Laubacher; a rancher. This is bungalow style duplex with a hipped roof. It has knee brackets, exposed beams, windows that are symmetrical and the exterior is medium clapboard.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1919.
STATS: Duplex 234: 1 bedrooms, 1 bath; Duplex 235: 2 bedrooms, 1 bath
1694 s.f. on a 7000 S.F. lot
Parcel number: 2020072090
Last sold: 11/11/2010 for $330,000
Prior Owners (or residents): Mrs. Floyd Swift (1925); Henry Schneider (1926); Mr & Mrs Raymond Hahn (1934); Mrs John H. Meyers (1936-1937); Gertrude M Roussey (1937); Mrs. L.B. Butler (1955); Walter Laubacher (1975-1987);
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the home: Walter Laubacher (d. 2/24/1987)