200 S. G Street

The William Gumpertz House (1929)

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Original Historic District Document Info:  Built ~1929* for Samuel Gumpertz** who owned the first packing house in Oxnard. The house was built by J. A. Swartz. This is a single story Mediterranean style house that has been meticulously maintained. There is a tiled tower entrance with radiating quoins detail around the door. An Islamic arched window appears in offset front gable and there is a wrought iron railing on the porch steps and window. There is a combination cement block and picket fence on both sides of this corner lot featuring a wooden arched entry.


*The Ventura County Assessor l
ists this house as being built in 1929.

STATS: 4 bedrooms, 2 bath, 2383 s.f. on a 6969 s.f. lot.
Parcel number: 2020072130
Last sold: unknown

Prior Owners (or residents): William N. Gumpertz (1942)
Current Owners (or residents):

 **Note, I believe the original historic documentation is incorrect as there is no Samuel Gumpertz.  An article from 1926 shows that William Gumpertz purchased the lot and was intending to build, and paid for permits in 1929, and there is a “William” living at the address in 1931 as noted from the phone directory listing attached, and I was unable to find a “Samuel” living in the area at the time.  William’s obituary also shows that HE was the owner of the first packing house in Ventura County, not Samuel. For now, I will be changing the name to “William Gumpertz House” unless someone has documentation showing differently. 

Note, too, that the house apparently was 202 S. G originally, and not 200 S. G. 

Oxnard Press-Courier 1/25/1926
Ancestry.com U.S. City Directory 1931
Oxnard Press-Courier 8/05/1929
Oxnard Press-Courier 6/10/1942
Ventura County Star 1/26/1978