160 S. F Street

The Edward Wedekind House (~1917)

Original Historic District Document Info:  Built in 19121 for Edward Wedekind; employed as Manager of the Home Telephone Company. This is a cross gable, one story Craftsman bungalow which features a low-pitched gable roof, brackets projecting under tiled eaves and exposed beams; it has shingle siding. A red brick entrance porch with matching red brick steps provide a distinctive touch. This home may have been built by Paul Staples, a local carpenter.


*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1930. 

1The date information above is likely not accurate as telephone directory records showed that Edward Wedekind was still living at another address as of 1918. 

STATS: 3 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2521 s.f. on a 0.25 acre lot.
Parcel number: 2020042060
Last sold: 4/14/2022 for $970,000

Prior Owners (or residents): Edward Wedekind (1912 – <1916); C.H. Whipple (>1921, 1926-1949); Mr & Mrs Manuel Trevino, Jr (19521974); G. Kurz (1995)
Current Owners (or residents):

 Deaths in the home: C. H. Whipple (d. by suicide 9/19/1949) (Carl Whipple started the Boy Scouts in Ventura County and had been booked on a charge involving an 8-year old boy the week before he committed suicide. He was to have a hearing the next day).

Ancestry.com Directory from 1916
Ancestry.com Directory from 1928
Directory from 1918
Ventura County Star 9/17/1949
Oxnard Press-Courier 9/19/1949
Oxnard Press-Courier 9/20/1949
Oxnard Press-Courier 9/21/1950
Oxnard Press-Courier 11/03/1950

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