The Henry C. Downes House (1920)

Built in 1916 for James A. Driffle. This is a side gable, two story Greek Revival house with Doric columns, double sash, symmetrically-even paned windows with shutters, narrow line of transom and side lights around the front door and clapboard siding. The entry porch is supported by round prominent columns.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1920.
(Note that the current address is 140 but the historic document application shows it as 150.)
STATS: 5 bedrooms, 3 bath, 2948 s.f. on an 11,325 s.f lot.
Parcel number: 2020041110
Last sold: 5/07/1975 for $75,000
Prior Owners (or residents): Henry Downes; Mr & Mrs Eugene Diedrich (July 1920); Robert H. McGrath (?-1934); Mr & Mrs Charles Meyer (1934-1939); J.W. Dodge (1939); Peter Fox (1947); Charlotte Stevens (1957)
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the house: Charlotte M Stevens 9/12/1957