The Joseph K. Bedford House (1925)

Original Historic District Document Info: *Built in 1926** for Joseph K. Bedford; a high school teacher. This is a cross gable cottage that has simple wood porch columns and wood railing and shiplap exterior.
*The Ventura County Assessor does not show this property.
STATS: 3 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bath, 2268 s.f. on a 0.25 acre lot.
Parcel number: 2020042090
Last sold: unknown
Prior Owners (or residents): Joseph K. Bedford (1925-1929); Dr. Thomas H. Sayer (1929); Mr & Mrs C.R. Miller (1931); Edna Bailey (1936); Maybelle Howland (1937-1952); Robert A. Anderson (1958); James Shaw (1960); Ione Keenan (1968)
Current Owners (or residents):
Deaths in the house: Maybelle Howland (d. 12/17/1952)
**NOTE: Original historic district documents say this was built in 1926, but a newspaper article shows that the Bedford’s moved in in 1925.