The A.E. Schuster House (1940)

Original Historic District Document Info: Built ~1940*, this ranch style house is a single story stucco with wood trim.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1938.
STATS: 3 bedrooms, 1 bath, 1422 s.f. on a 6969 s.f. lot.
Parcel number: 2020030320
Last sold: 4/24/1984 for $95,000
Prior Owners (or residents): Mr & Mrs A.E. Schuster (1939-1941); Mr & Mrs Edward Seaman (1944); Reverend and Mrs Theodore Little (1961); Reverend Lee Gordon Stanley (1962)
Current Owners (or residents):
(Note: a building permit was issued for this house in September of 1938 to A.E. Schuster, so it was likely done some time in 1939, not 1940.)