The Julian Benecke House (1927)

*Original Historic District Document Info: Built in 1928* for Julian Beneke; employed as a carpenter. This cross gable, single story Spanish Colonial Revival has a clay tile roof and stucco exterior. It has two three-sash windows with vertical dividers. The front entranceway to the residence is not visible because of a medium-height stucco wall.
*The Ventura County Assessor lists this house as being built in 1926.
STATS: 3 bedrooms, 3 1/2 bath, 2031 s.f. on a 0.25 acre lot.
Parcel number: 2020042100
Last sold: 3/07/1996 for $157,500
Prior Owners (or residents): Julian E. Beneke (Sep 1926 – Dec 1928); F.H. Scott 1928; Mr & Mrs August Thiel (Dec 1928 – ?); C.W. Myers (1931); Arthur Yung (1946); Carmela Mattelson (1959); Frederick A. Clay (1966); Jack & Betty Neely; Richard F. Andrews
Current Owners (or residents):
*NOTE: Original historic district documents state the house was built in 1928, but an article from 1927 shows differently. (see article below)